Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Day is Tomorrow!!!

I'm sorry I haven't posted recently. I thought I had been posting on my phone, but alas, the phone wasn't actually posting anything. I hope I can get everything caught up.

Don't forget that election day is tomorrow. I've been working hard trying to get Daphne all ready for the election. Bright and early we are going to vote, then we are coming home to get things ready for our own election. You heard right, my two year old is hosting her own election. You and your little one can host your own election too!!!

So...who is running? Well, if you want to know...
I even made little "stickers" to print off. I don't have a way to make them sticky other than taping them on the kids...but that works just as well, I think.

I also made an election book in Microsoft Word. This website won't let me upload documents so I had to cut and paste it into paint for you.
To make the book print it off on a single sheet of paper. (I used the margins 0.5 on top and bottom and 0.3 on the sides in Word.) Fold it in half length wise and unfold. Then fold in half width wide and fold it in half again. Unfold the second fold. You will then cut along the line that is dotted in the image below. (I'm sorry it sounds confusing.) Once you have cut it on the dotted line, unfold it, fold it length wise again and fold the book so that the pages are in order.
I also took a shoe box and made a ballot box out of it. Daphne's friends will be coming over tomorrow to have a cookie, lemonade, and to vote for their favorite character.

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