Monday, February 25, 2013

Much needed board!

I didn't want to spend $20 on a dry erase board that was solid white and rather ugly looking.  (I wanted a bigger one for a "things to do".)  So, I decided to make my own.  So, I made my own.  I bought a poster cover/frame that was plastic for $6, a spool of ribbon for under $2, and pulled out my scissors and cricut.  I'm thinking about cutting out a larger bird..he just looks so little and lonely down there.  (Maybe make him a baby and put his mommy on there?)  I also cut The Stevenson's out with the cricut.  (My husband and I debated over if the apostrophe should be in the name or not.  I'm still not sure, but he won the debate so it was put in there.)  I previously bought a curtain for the kitchen that was too long so I took it down and cut off the bottom to use the curtain as the background of the board.  Once the board was put together I hot glued brown ribbon around the edges.  Now, for less than the cost of an actual dry erase board, I made one that wasn't an eye sore and matched the kitchen!  It took less than an hour and looks great.  I love it!  Sorry about the glaring...I'll try to get a picture after sun set so there won't be window glares on it.

Everyone who knows me in my private life knows I forget everything so easily.  It's not that I'm a forgetful person, but once I got sick with Peripartum Cardiomyopathy (PPCM) and had a lack of oxygen for awhile, my mind just doesn't remember things at all.  I even forget to check the calendar to see if I'm forgetting something.  It really is annoying.  My doctors said if my memory hasn't come back by now, it probably won't.  So, I've been trying to find ways to remember things.  This big board was the latest in ideas.
What creative thing have you done for your kitchen to help make life easier?

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