Friday, October 26, 2012

How are you feeling today?

While Daphne was taking a nap I had an idea.  We were at the store the other day when she heard a baby crying.  With a serious look on her face she looked at me and said, "Mommy, baby sad."  We talked about why the baby might be sad and what makes Daphne sad.  Why not make it a Halloween event?  So, I took the time to find a pumpkin on Google images (thanks and printed them off on paper.  Then I took black construction paper and cut out faces to make an excited pumpkin (She's holding it up to her face right now.  She picked that one because she is excited to spend the night with her Mimi tonight.)...
A sad pumpkin...
An angry pumpkin...
And a happy pumpkin!
I did prompt her on where to stick the eyes, nose and mouth some (but not completely if you can tell on the one she holds to her face and the angry  The ones that look closer to perfect I laid out on the table ahead of time and took pictures for the blog.  I plan on having them laminated and then using them more than once.  (Maybe right before a temper tantrum hits to help her explain why she's upset...or to stop one.)

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